Tag Archive for: Keturah

Legacy Statement – John A. Yoder
Legacy Statement - John A. Yoder
John was a kind and generous person who took pride in applying himself charitably. In recent years, John established a scholarship program to support students in the McCormick and Abbeville area. In addition,…

Yoder Rosenberg Family Foundation – Scholarships return in 2023!
[McCormick, SC]: The Yoder Rosenberg Family Foundation scholarship program is now open to graduating High School Seniors in McCormick and Abbeville Counties. To date, 78 graduating seniors have benefitted from this generous opportunity.

Summer Youth Programs – Big Announcements Ahead!
Summer Arts Programs for Youth and Youth Adults will be announced soon!
As summer is just around the corner - we are thrilled to announce that we will be able to offer a variety of classes and workshops for students ages 5 - 18 and include…

MACK Art Instruction 2023 continues …
MACK Art Instruction 2023 continues ...
Art Instruction Course Description
3 Week Class/ Tuesday OR Thursday/ 1:00 – 3:30
$50 MACK Members / $55 Non-Members
This class is geared toward the advancement of drawing, watercolor,…

Thank You to Town of McCormick
We wish to thank the Town of McCormick for supporting the MACK Rehabilitation Project!
Town Council recently authorized and released an allocation of $21,552.80 from the American Rescue Funding Grant to provide aid for incurred costs that…

Arts & The Economy = $14 Billion in SC!
The Economic Impact of South Carolina’s Arts-Related Economic Cluster report prepared by Joseph C. Von Nessen, Ph.D., and Research Economist was released in February 2023.
The Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South…

Congratulations to our Award Winning Artists!
MACK Resident Artist and local students place in 1st, 2nd, and Honorable Mention at SpringFest!
7 ribbons were awarded to regional artists at the North Augusta Cultural Arts Council's SpringFest. The show had approximately 60 entries.…